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  • Board of Education | Centura

    Board Committees Centura Board of Education Board Members Sandra Davis President Email: Teresa Grabowski Vice President Email: Todd Nitsch Treasurer Email: Brooke Schmitt Member Email: Brooke Fries Member Email: Mark Johnson Secretary Email: Board Committees CIA/Americanism: Todd Staff/Community Relations: Mark, Teresa, & Sandra Negotiations: Mark & Sandra Transportation/Finance/Facility: Todd & Sandra Activities: Teresa, & Todd Information & Resources Board Policies Board Meetings / Agenda Board Minutes Superintendent Contract Wards Map Transparency Act Annual Reports Power and Responsibilites: The school board operates under a mandatory policy, where the members of the board act as a group. The board is empowered to make policy for its own governance, for employees, for students, and for school district facilities. The board is also empowered to enforce its policies. These powers and all other powers are expressly granted to the board in federal and state law. As the governing board of the school district the board has three duties to perform: legislative duty, executive duty, and evaluative duty. Legislating policy comes with the jurisdiction to enact policy with the force and effect of the law. Executive duty includes hiring a superintendent to operate the school district on the board’s behalf. They delegate to the superintendent the authority to carry out board policy, to formulate and carry out rules and regulations, and to handle administrative details consistent with board policy. Under evaluative duty, the board has the responsibility to review the education program’s performance and the associated services. Public Comment Procedure: A “Public Comment” time may be included on the agenda of all regular Centura Board of Education meetings. Public comment will be accepted to allow for members of the public to raise issues and make comments for the good of the Centura Public Schools regarding policy, programs, or procedures. Public Comment time shall be limited to a maximum of 30 minutes, with each member of the public being allocated one opportunity to speak at the meeting for a time period of up to three minutes. If the number of members of the public wishing to comment warrants a reduction in the three-minute allotment, the Board President shall have the authority to limit comments. Members of the public wishing to comment at any regular Centura Board of Education Meeting must sign in, and they will be expected to state the topic of their comments for documentation in the Board Meeting minutes. Public comment about personnel will not be permitted, and the Board President has the prerogative to curtail any inappropriate public comment. Community Engagement: The Board of Education recently completed a Community Engagement Process which resulted in a Strategic Plan with a new Mission Statement, Belief Statements and Six Priority Areas. The Strategic Plan was the collaborative work of the Staff Leadership Team, staff, community, administration, and Board of Education. Mission: Centura and its collaborative partners are an innovative community empowering all students to be successful today and in the future. Centura Public Schools’ Belief Statements As a community we will… Elect a board that ensures a quality education and a safe learning environment will be provided for all students. Inspire students to be respectful, resourceful, and responsible. Aspire for all students to grow academically. Encourage students to take ownership of their learning process. Promote a positive and supportive learning environment. Evolve as an innovative staff through instruction and technology integration. Strengthen relationships with families and engage community members in partnership. Priority Areas: Priority 1: Academics – To progress learning opportunities to support rigorous and effective curriculum. Priority 2: Student Service Programs – To ensure students are engaged, empowered, and equipped through quality student service programs district-wide. Priority 3: Technology – Ensure staff and students have access to comprehensive technology to support instruction, curriculum, learning, administrative management, communication and information access. Priority 4: Staff – Recruit, hire, develop, and retain a quality staff. Priority 5: District Culture – Strengthen relationships with families and engage community members in partnership Priority 6: District Building and Grounds – Maintain and monitor district buildings and grounds to meet high energy, safety, security, and efficiency levels. The updated mission statement, belief statements and priorities set forth by the BOE also support Centura’s Vision. Vision: A community about students, excellence, and innovation. During each school year it is important to keep the Mission, Vision, Beliefs, and Priorities at the forefront of what is done on a daily basis. The District annually pays dues to the following organizations: - NRCSA (Nebraska Rural Community Schools Association) - $850 - NASB (Nebraska Association of School Boards) - $4,574.00

  • Staff Directory | Centura

    Staff Directory Administration Dr. Ashley Tomjack Superintendent Melissa Beberniss Secondary Principal Janet Brown Elementary Principal Laethion Brown Dean of Students Activities Director Support Staff Ann Kroeger High School Secretary Ginney Spiehs Elementary Secretary Jana Hudiburgh Admin/AD Secretary and Transportation Director Clark Pederson Nurse Website Stephanie Tomjack Business Manager Kenley Reimers IT / Special Project Manager Kaleb Schuster Ed Tech Coordinator Website Kim Steffen Tech Integration Specialist Website Elementary Janet Brown Elementary Principal Lisa Jones Preschool Website Diana Korinek Preschool Website Dori Dorsey Preschool Brooklyn Hostetler Kindergarten Website Rozy Dibbern Kindergarten Website Allison Bartley First Grade Website Kim Vieth First Grade Website Lisa Hermann Second Grade Website Rachel Sullivan Second Grade Website Sara Bierhaus Third Grade Website Jennifer Hadenfeldt Third Grade Website Jen Trumler Fourth Grade Website Thomas Yoachim Fourth Grade Website Barb Knopik Fifth Grade Website Deb Lemburg Fifth Grade Website Carrie Ahrens Paraprofessional Halsey Gorecki Paraprofessional Stephanie Luhn Paraprofessional Angie Evans Paraprofessional Heather Piersol Paraprofessional Cortney Rose Paraprofessional After School Coordinator Kyra Riley Paraprofessional Ted Evans Special Education Website Erin Taukiuvea Special Education Website Shawn Fairbanks PE / Health Staci Hargens Title 1 Website Michelle Arndt Elementary Music / Para Website Dani Bonsack Paraprofessional Kelly McDonald Paraprofessional Leanna Pollock Elementary Counselor Website Stephanie Frankforter Special Education Website Kelsey Safarik Special Education Website Kris Simon Librarian Website Ginney Spiehs Elementary Secretary Kim Steffen Tech Integration / JH Reading Website Secondary Melissa Beberniss Secondary Principal Laethion Brown Dean of Students Activities Director Tessa Reiman Guidance Counselor Nate Ruhl 6th Grade Website Scott Korinek 6th Grade Website Sophie Reeves English Website Logan Hamik Math Website Marsha Kaslon Science Website Stephanie McInturf Spanish Website Kaleb Schuster Ed Tech/ Comp. Sci./ Business Website Doug Voigt Industrial Technology Website Abby Hadenfeldt Agriculture / FFA Website Kim Steffen Tech Integration / JH Reading Website Geoff Cyboron Art Website Tim Dvorak Social Studies Website Tyler Ehresman Math Website Kalen Garrett Physical Education Website Kayla Hawkins English Website Tiffany Jacobsen Social Studies Website Megan Lienemann Math Website David Morris Science Website Jerry Nott Success Center Website Shawn Fairbanks PE / Health Kelley Jordan Band Website Josh Van Pelt English and Journalism Website Kris Simon Librarian Website Tracy Lukasiewicz Special Education Website Diana Sonnenfeld Paraprofessional Jana Hudiburgh Admin/AD Secretary and Transportation Director Ann Kroeger High School Secretary Special Education Heather Parker-Evans School Psychologist Website Ted Evans Special Education Website Tracy Lukasiewicz Special Education Website Kelsey Safarik Special Education Website Erin Taukiuvea Special Education Website Stephanie Frankforter Early Childhood Special Education Teacher Website Kiley Wrage Speech Pathology and Early Childhood Website Custodial / Maintenance Andrew Pedersen Garret Berger Bobbie Patrick Kenley Reimers Chris Sorensen Jason Maciejewski Jesse Jordan Bus Drivers Tim Lowe Stephanie Luhn Bobbie Patrick Clark Pedersen Becky Phillips Vince Tomlinson OPAA! Teresa Yarrow Lisa Brandt Shelby Breazeale Robin Harmon Becky Lowe Ashleigh Tetschner Board of Education Sandra Davis President Teresa Grabowski Vice-President Todd Nitsch Treasurer Mark Johnson Secretary Brooke Fries Member Brooke Schmitt Member Job Openings Contact

  • Centura Public Schools | Cairo, NE

    Activities Button Calendar Button Staff Directory Button Contact Us Button About Button Live Stream Counselor Student Links Parent Information Student Enrollment Powerlifting Results - Lexington Invitational FBLA Valentine's Day Cookie Orders Speech Shirt Orders 2nd Greenhouse Sale View All Announcements View Full Calendar

  • Athletics & Activities | Centura

    Athletics & Activities Activities Director Streaming Coaches List IOS App Android App Athletics Football 23_24 11 IMG_9332 Football 23_24 1/4 Coaches List CALENDAR Calendar Link: ATHLETIC OPPORTUNITIES Football Volleyball Softball Cross Country Boy's Basketball Girl's Basketball Wrestling Track Boy's Golf Girl's Golf ATHLETIC FORMS Please download and review the following forms if your child plans to participate in Centura Athletics. A Parent's Guide to Concussion's in Sports Eligibility Concussion Awareness Act Guidelines for Concussions Concussion Course Use of School Grounds Activity Pass Form Physical Form Optional Student Accident & Health Insurance (Student Assurance Services) Activities img5926215335013548129 FnWQUsjXoAA4-af 421450280_895055132319357_6894251900468071482_n img5926215335013548129 1/6 Coaches List ACTIVITY OPPORTUNITIES FFA FBLA Speech One-Act Band National Honor Society Student Council Spirit Squad Art Quiz Bowl Science Olympiad Robotics CALENDAR Calendar Link: Centura is a proud member of the LPC Lou-Platte Conference. The mission of the Lou-Platte Conference shall be to promote the best interests of secondary education; to nurture cooperation, professional growth and good fellowship among its members, and to secure uniform regulation and control of inter school participation in activities throughout the association to the end that these activities shall be an integral part of the educational program. The conference is made up of the following schools: Arcadia-Loup City, Central City, Centura, Doniphan-Trumbull, Gibbon, Ord, Ravenna, St. Paul, Wood River

  • Job Openings | Centura

    Job Openings CERTIFIED OPENINGS Current Teacher Openings Please click the links below to view current teacher openings at Centura Public School on Teach in Nebraska : Substitute Teachers Substitute Teachers PreK-12 Centura Public Schools is currently seeking qualified Substitute Teachers/Local Substitutes for all levels and areas of education. Candidates must have valid a Nebraska teaching certificate or substitute teaching certificate. Substitute pay is $140 for a full day, or $70 for a half day. To apply, please email the Substitute Application and related certificate(s) to . Requirements for a Local Substitute Certificate include the following: An application and fee in the Nebraska TEACH system (You will need to register and apply first before starting an application) Have at least 60 credit hours of college credit (NOTE: The 60 credit hours must appear on a transcript and sent to Educator Certification along with the human relations training transcript, if they do not have that course completed, will need to complete Step 3.) Human relations training course A letter from the superintendent of the school district where the local substitute permit will be assigned (last step after above steps have been completed) CLASSIFIED OPENINGS Evening Custodian Centura Public Schools is accepting applications for an Evening Custodian. The Evening Custodian is responsible for maintaining the cleanliness, safety, and overall upkeep of school facilities during evening hours. This position ensures that classrooms, offices, hallways, restrooms, and common areas are cleaned, sanitized, and well-maintained for the next day’s activities. The custodian may also be tasked with minor maintenance duties and securing the premises at the end of the shift. This position reports to the Facilities Manager. Salary is $16/hr (commensurate with experience), with benefits including 10 vacation days, 10 sick days, 2 personal days, individual health and dental insurance, and a flexible summer schedule with 4-day, 10-hour weeks. For more information, view the attached PDF, or email . Evening Custodian Job Description PDF Secondary Paraprofessional Centura Public Schools is seeking a secondary Paraprofessional to assist in supporting students and teachers in grades 6-12. For more information, please email . Substitute Bus Drivers/Activity Drivers Centura Public Schools is taking applications for sub bus drivers/activity drivers the school year. Applicants must have current CDL license and bus permit or district is willing to train and pay fees for the right person. For more information, please contact Laethion Brown at 308-485-4258 or email .

  • Cafeteria | Centura

    Cafeteria Cafeteria Links Menus Charged Meal Policies Nutrition Services Info Free & Reduced Lunch Information Info Application Self-Employment Application Info

  • Elementary (Pre-K-5th) | Centura

    Centura Elementary School Welcome to the Centura Elementary School! We are proud of our school, its students and staff. Centura Elementary has much to offer the students of Cairo, Dannebrog and Boelus. Centura Elementary begins with an early childhood program for pre-kindergarten students and works up to the fifth grade. We pride ourselves on using the most up to date research-based instructional practices to impact classroom learning most effectively. Inclusionary practices are offered throughout the elementary with our special services program. Centura Elementary is accredited through North Central and is part of the continuous school improvement process. We look forward to being a special part of your family as we grow and learn together. Janet Brown, Principal 308-485-4258 / Ext.105 Resources Staff Directory District Calendar 2024-25 District Student Enrollment Student Handbook Parent PowerSchool Parent Information Supply Lists Cafeteria E-Funds Academics Title 1 Contact Us Bell Schedule Board of Education Centura Boosters Centura Educational Foundation Parent Math Resources The Centurion Times

  • Contact Us | Centura

    Contact Us CENTURA PUBLIC SCHOOL PO Box 430 Cairo, NE 68824 Phone: 308-485-4258 Fax / Record Requests: 308-485-4780 Superintendent Dr. Ashley Tomjack- Email: Elementary Principal Janet Brown- Email: Secondary Principal Melissa Beberniss- Email: Dean of Students / Activities Director Laethion Brown- Email: Guidance Counselor Tessa Reiman- Email:

  • Annual Reports | Centura

    Centura Annual Reports 2020-21 2021-22

  • Bell Schedule | Centura

    Download Schedule

  • About | Centura

    About Us Finding Inspiration in Every Turn This is your About Page. This space is a great opportunity to give a full background on who you are, what you do and what your website has to offer. Double click on the text box to start editing your content and make sure to add all the relevant details you want site visitors to know. Our Story Every website has a story, and your visitors want to hear yours. This space is a great opportunity to give a full background on who you are, what your team does, and what your site has to offer. Double click on the text box to start editing your content and make sure to add all the relevant details you want site visitors to know. If you’re a business, talk about how you started and share your professional journey. Explain your core values, your commitment to customers, and how you stand out from the crowd. Add a photo, gallery, or video for even more engagement. Meet The Team Don Francis Founder & CEO Ashley Jones Tech Lead Tess Brown Office Manager Lisa Rose Product Manager Kevin Nye HR Lead Alex Young Customer Support Lead Our Clients

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