Centura Public Schools
- Enrollment
New Student Enrollment for the 2024-2025 School Year
The following students must enroll through the online process:
• Students new to Centura district
• Students who have left our district and are returning
• First time enrollees into Centura Preschool or Kindergarten should complete the online enrollment form.
Please note you do NOT have to enroll your child if your child attended Centura the previous term, including students that attended school year 2023-24 as a preschooler or kindergartner.
If you are optioning into the district, option paperwork will also need to be completed during the enrollment process.
URL: https://chsps.centura.k12.ne.us/public/formbuilder/form.html?formid=237272
Once the Centura District has reviewed the enrollment form, you will be notified via email. Please follow the instructions provided in the email for additional forms/required information for enrollment and other annual information updates.
Returning Centura Students (including Preschoolers/Kindergartners):
There will be multiple online forms that will be required for each student. Information for setting up your parent PowerSchool account is available through this link as well as the instructions for accessing forms for your student. Paper forms will not be sent home for your completion, all forms will be submitted online through the parent PowerSchool Portal.